

Find your car title — Before you can scrap your car, you’ll need to find your car title. No salvage yard will take your car without one that you’ll sign over to them. If your title is missing, you’ll need to contact your DMV to issue a new one. Fill out the proper forms and...
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Unusual is the same as original. Giving yourself permission to be unusual (original) allows you to open up and be yourself. Many of us are so concerned to fit in we become afraid of our originality. Let your authenticity guide you in your choices and just be you. You will instantly notice a lightness within...
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If a burglar has access to the garage, it’s likely that a few power tools will go missing. Power tools are expensive, useful and always in high demand. Keep in mind that burglars always prioritize items that have a high resale or cash-in value, and at the same time, are lightweight or at least, not...
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Activator is something that stimulates the behavior or performance that you are wanting to achieve. As leaders of people or managers of people the most common Activator is a set of GOALS. People often think of an auto junkyard as just another dump – but present day junkyards are actually a form of recycling and...
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Fully restored classic cars spike up in value. Because there’s much more effort and money put into restoring, you can easily raise the price of the car once you decide to sell it. A perfectly restored vintage car can be valued at over a hundred grand in pro auctions. People often think of an auto...
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