


MOSCOW, Dec 12 (Reuters) – Russia on Monday accused the United States of not taking a constructive approach to diplomatic talks in Istanbul, [Redirect-302] but said the Turkish city was a convenient place for such contacts to take place. A meeting between U.S.If you want to find more about Lawyer in istanbul Turkey review our...
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ANKARA, Lawyer Law Firm in Turkey Turkey (AP) – Turkey´s parliament on Tuesday began debating a highly controversial draft law the government says is aimed at combating fake news and disinformation, but which critics denounce as yet another attempt to stifle freedom of expression. The 40-article piece of legislation amends multiple laws governing press, advertising...
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ISTANBUL, Dec 13 (Reuters) – Turkey welcomed an agreement reached with its counterparts on Tuesday that allows the continuation of a new regulation requiring crude oil tankers to present an insurance confirmation letter before transiting Turkish straits. The Turkish measures, which came into effect on Dec.1, requires vessels to provide proof of insurance for the...
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Putin has a problem. His , intended as a days-long operation, is now grinding into its third week and becoming a bloodbath. Attacks across the country are stalled amid predictions that Russia will soon struggle to hold the territory it has – let alone capture more. In short: he needs more men for the meat...
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Russian warships carrying scores of military trucks were seen passing through a strait in yesterday morning – and could be on their way to . The Tsugaru Strait between the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean separates Honshu and Hokkaido, the country’s two biggest islands.  Russia has suffered catastrophic losses, including up to one-fifth...
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Dec 9 (Reuters) – Russian and U.S.diplomats met in Istanbul on Friday to discuss a number of technical issues in their relationship, Russia’s deputy foreign minister and the U.S. Embassy in Ankara said. The war in Ukraine was not discussed, a U.S. Embassy spokesperson said. Russia’s state-run TASS news agency cited the minister Sergei Ryabkov...
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A huge explosion has rocked a shopping centre in Kyiv as rescuers pulled bloodied victims from the rubble as police said at least eight people had been killed amid fears dozens of others were missing. The blast smashed the sprawling ‘Retroville’ mall and was so powerful it pulverised vehicles in its car park – leaving...
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James Lock was seen for the first time since his ex ‘s horror car accident as he returned to filming on Tuesday. The reality star, 35, cut a casual figure as he joined his co-stars Amy Childs, Pete Wicks and Saffron Lampriere as they went for drinks at a local bar. On Sunday, Yazmin’s on-off...
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A Russian billionaire was criminally charged in New York with violating U.S. sanctions in an indictment unsealed Thursday that also charges three others in a scheme to ensure his child was born in the United States. The Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, 52, has faced economic sanctions since 2018, when he was designated for them by...
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ANKARA, Feb 19 (Reuters) – Turkey has hired a Washington-based law firm to lobby for its readmission to the U.S.F-35 fighter jet programme after it was suspended over its purchase of Russian air defences, a contract filed with the U.S. Department of Justice showed. Ankara had ordered more than 100 stealth fighters and has been...
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