Common Causes of Clogged Pipes and The right way to Avoid Them

Clogged pipes are a standard household problem that can cause lots of inconvenience and frustration. They can lead to slow draining water, unpleasant smells, and in severe cases, even flooding. To prevent clogged pipes, it is necessary to understand the frequent causes and tips on how to avoid them.

Hair: Hair is likely one of the most typical causes of clogged pipes in bathrooms. Once you shower or wash your hair, strands of hair can accumulate in the drain, causing water to drain more slowly. Over time, the hair can become tangled and form a blockage. To stop this, use a hair catcher in your shower or bathtub drain to catch loose strands of hair.

Grease and fats: Grease and fats from cooking also can cause clogged pipes. Once you pour grease down the drain, it can solidify and create a blockage in the pipes. To keep away from this, get rid of grease and fat properly by pouring it into a container and throwing it in the trash.

Meals waste: Meals waste can even contribute to clogged pipes in the kitchen. If you put food scraps down the drain, they will accumulate and form a blockage. To keep away from this, use a strainer or catch basin in your sink to catch food scraps and get rid of them in the trash.

Cleaning soap scum: Cleaning soap scum may cause clogged pipes in the bathroom. When cleaning soap mixes with minerals in the water, it can form a hard substance that may accumulate within the drain and create a blockage. To forestall this, use a soap-free cleanser or a drain cleaner specifically designed to remove soap scum.

Overseas objects: Foreign objects similar to toys, jewelry, and other small items can by chance fall into drains and cause clogs. To keep away from this, keep small objects away from drains and be sure that children are supervised when utilizing sinks or toilets.

Tree roots: Tree roots can develop into pipes and cause clogs, particularly in older properties with outdated plumbing systems. To avoid this, make sure that trees and shrubs are planted a safe distance away from pipes and have your plumbing system inspected regularly.

Flushing non-flushable items: Flushing non-flushable items akin to baby wipes, female hygiene products, and cotton swabs can cause clogged pipes in toilets. These items can get stuck in the pipes and create a blockage. To avoid this, only flush rest room paper down the toilet.

To prevent clogged pipes, there are several steps you’ll be able to take. Firstly, keep away from pouring grease and fat down the drain. Instead, dispose of them in a container and throw them in the trash. Secondly, use a strainer or catch basin in your sink to catch meals scraps and dispose of them in the trash. Thirdly, use a hair catcher in your shower or bathtub drain to catch loose strands of hair. Fourthly, use a cleaning soap-free cleanser or a drain cleaner specifically designed to remove soap scum. Fifthly, keep small objects away from drains and be sure that children are supervised when using sinks or toilets. Sixthly, ensure that bushes and shrubs are planted a safe distance away from pipes and have your plumbing system inspected regularly. Lastly, only flush bathroom paper down the toilet.

In addition to taking preventative measures, there are several ways to unclog pipes if they do develop into blocked. One option is to use a plunger to dislodge the blockage. One other option is to use a drain snake, which may be inserted into the pipes to break up the blockage. If these methods don’t work, chances are you’ll need to call a professional plumber to clear the blockage.

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